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Five min. Friday -- I feel the most loved when

I feel the most loved when I am wrapped up in sweet hubby's arms, him scratching my head, me with my face barely poking out of the sheets and my arms wrapped just as tightly around him as he is wrapped around me. It sounds dirty, maybe, but this is just what I would love to have every single night as I fall asleep. Strong arms of the man I love, trusted to hold me safely as I sleep, offering me the greatest comfort I can imagine.

I love that man. I feel the most loved when he mocks up our conversations before they actually take place, accurately predicting what I will say and how he will respond, and then laughing with me when we don't need to have the conversation because it's already done.

I feel the most loved when he cooks me dinner, and makes sure to serve something different than we had the night before and the night before that, too, since he knows I have a hard time with leftovers for lunch and for supper, too.

I feel the most loved when he will turn off the TV at my bedtime, so that he doesn't get to watch any more than I do, even though he doesn't really have to go to bed yet.

I feel the most loved when he tries to talk me into buying things that I want but don't need, just because he thinks I would so hard and therefore deserve a little bit of what I want in my life.

I feel the most loved when he will play the Just Dance wii game with me, even though he doesn't like it that much, but knows that I have more fun if he'll dance too.

I feel the most loved when he will dance with me at weddings, even though he thinks he's a bad dancer. I disagree.

And that, my friends, is five minutes.

I'm sharing this with Five minute Friday at thegypsymama.


  1. love the mock conversations - isn't it a wonderful feeling to have someone know you so well?

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  2. What a great list - and there isn't one thing even remotely dirty about loving to be engulfed by the man you love as you drift off to sleep.

  3. Yes, I understand the one about the Hubs trying to talk you into buying something! It says to me that he values me more than he often expresses. Love it. Have a great weekend!


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