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spring break!

It's finally here!

I survived the last four days of school with super crazy kids -- there was a full moon, too! Who planned that? (Definitely NOT me. I think the lunar cycle should be included in the school calendar -- maybe as a long weekend/week off every time there is a full moon. Let parents deal with their crazy, full moon kids -- not teachers. What a week of babysitting!)

And now for the over-achieving list of things I'd like to accomplish this spring break...Oh boy.
1. Shopping trip -- target and others -- for some storage bins, a (belated birthday) gift for my partner teacher, and some other essential items (toilet paper, I'm talking to you) that seem necessary to keep purchasing... And maybe some more maternity wear -- pants other than khaki, black, or jeans, please? I can only wear khaki pants to school so many days in a row before my kids think I only own one pair of pants.

2. Sewing time -- I've got the supplies, I've got the table (mostly) cleared off....Now I need to get the courage up to either trace or cut into the patterns I bought, and then the fabric. Once it's cut, the sewing part is more exciting. I'm afraid I'll cut out the wrong size and not be able to use the pattern again, or that it will turn out so horribly wrong that I will never wear something I spent money and time on making and visualize as being so useful and attractive.

3. Family gatherings -- yoga on Saturday morning, cookie decorating Saturday lunchtime, polka-dot cake making Saturday afternoon, and Sunday gender reveal at extended family Easter! Look for pictures of the aforementioned cake sometime next week!

4. Beach! -- and college friend reunion! with one of my dearest friends from college and her cute little family. This is (hopefully) going to be a GREAT replacement of the disaster that our plans last year to spend part of the week after Easter turned out to be....I was dealing with infertility at the same time she was dealing with too much work and pregnancy (and now I finally understand why she was too tired/overwhelmed to fit the beach in....) and the trip fell through, and our friendship was put way in the background somewhere...we talked about it (and emailed long letters) later in the summer, and both decided that it was time to move forward....and now that I'm so much less jealous of her beautiful little family, I think I will be able to enjoy them so much more! And of course, I've always loved the beach.

5. School work -- a minimal amount, of course, and only enough to keep things going when I get back to school after break. I turned off my computer a little too quickly yesterday afternoon, and forgot to update some scores and comments in our grading/scoring system used for report cards....and they are due on the Monday we get back from break. If I can figure out how to get access to the website from home, I'll take care of it; if not, it can wait until that Monday.

6. Class work -- for the class I'm participating in, on gifted and talented students. Please remind me why I signed up to turn my stuff in at the first class, rather than the last one? Good thing I'm a minimalist for this too -- otherwise it might be stressful. I'm aiming for a C....good enough to pass with credit.

7. Baby room organizing -- there is still a whole lot of stuff stored in the baby's room that needs to be moved out to make space for baby things! In addition to moving things out, it would be fun to spend some time measuring the room, picking out a paint color, figuring out some furniture configurations (we'll be trying to keep the room as both baby's room and guest room -- so some big furniture stays in the room, with the addition of baby's things), and the like.

8. Is it too early to register for baby things? It's almost April, and even though baby is not due until August, most of my showers (school, sweet hubby's work, church friends) will be in May or early June.

9. Bathing suit shopping -- for suits that cover my ever expanding tummy! I'm hoping to spend a LOT of time at the beach this summer, since there are no international trips planned for this summer, and it's so much nicer than the heat of the city I live in in July. And what is the fun of being at the beach is I don't have enough suits to wear a dry one each time?


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