My husband and I had a little adventure. It started out with a visit to silver coast...

And then a little road trip to see the giant Christmas tree...

Followed by dinner at circa 1922, a relatively fancy restaurant, for us....

Which was an incredibly delicious meal at an extremely reasonable price. It didn't hurt that they have a fixed price menu for Sunday-Thursday nights, so we were able to easily choose a salad, main course, dessert, and coffee for one low price. We found the famous Silver Coast Touriga on the close-out wine list and, since there had been much discussion earlier in the day, at Silver Coast, about where the last red bottles might still be hiding, decided that we needed to order a bottle.
I may or may not have had too much to drink, after drinking a woo-woo before going to Silver Coast, a couple glasses at Silver Coast, and the bulk of the Touriga, since sweet hubby was driving.
After dinner, we walked around Princess Street and the river and decided it was cold. We headed back to the biggest Christmas tree, where sweet hubby decided that maybe he shouldn't be driving, either, and we decided to find a hotel for the night.
Thank you, Holiday Inn, for having an indoor pool, and a Target on the next block. Sweet hubby bought me this bathing suit....
available at
To which I responded, "Yellow?" I put it on, anyway, and we swam for a while. In December. Which is ridiculous, because it was freezing outside. But we were inside, and it was warm, and even though we didn't have toothbrushes, I had a new yellow bathing suit.
Too bad we had to get up early to get home to meet with the alarm system guy....

And then a little road trip to see the giant Christmas tree...

Followed by dinner at circa 1922, a relatively fancy restaurant, for us....

Which was an incredibly delicious meal at an extremely reasonable price. It didn't hurt that they have a fixed price menu for Sunday-Thursday nights, so we were able to easily choose a salad, main course, dessert, and coffee for one low price. We found the famous Silver Coast Touriga on the close-out wine list and, since there had been much discussion earlier in the day, at Silver Coast, about where the last red bottles might still be hiding, decided that we needed to order a bottle.
I may or may not have had too much to drink, after drinking a woo-woo before going to Silver Coast, a couple glasses at Silver Coast, and the bulk of the Touriga, since sweet hubby was driving.
After dinner, we walked around Princess Street and the river and decided it was cold. We headed back to the biggest Christmas tree, where sweet hubby decided that maybe he shouldn't be driving, either, and we decided to find a hotel for the night.
Thank you, Holiday Inn, for having an indoor pool, and a Target on the next block. Sweet hubby bought me this bathing suit....

To which I responded, "Yellow?" I put it on, anyway, and we swam for a while. In December. Which is ridiculous, because it was freezing outside. But we were inside, and it was warm, and even though we didn't have toothbrushes, I had a new yellow bathing suit.
Too bad we had to get up early to get home to meet with the alarm system guy....
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