This teeny, tiny, little, itty bitty photo makes it look like I was feeling much more accomplished and much more victorious than I really felt as I crossed the finish line.
The 10k that I managed to finish in about 60 minutes last year took me 65 this year. Last year I managed to finish the whole thing running, but this year I had to walk three times.
The picture above looks celebratory....but I was actually very disappointed.
The race conditions were harder for me than I imagined they would be. My running buddy backed out of the race at the last minute, leaving me to run by myself, in a sea of 40,000 people. The race was delayed for (at the time) unknown reasons for an extra hour of standing in a corral with strangers, after a brisk walking warm-up and light stretching, which I'm sure wasn't any good for my body or my morale.
I started off too fast, and when I got to the uphill climb of the bridge, I wimped out. I got a cramp in my ribs, which is unusual for me, and had to wimp out a second time. And nearly to the finish, I wimped out again.
The distance shouldn't have been a problem for me after the training I've been doing this spring, and especially after some of the training times I've managed with that Saturday morning running group that I've had such a hard time getting in to. But it was. And I was disappointed.
And my disappointment has turned into a new resolve. In May, instead of doing another 5k, I'm going to do another 10k. I'm going to give myself another opportunity at the same distance, even if the actual race is quite different. And even if I have to run by myself, without a buddy to cheer me on or for me to cheer on, without a buddy to help me pace myself, I think I'll be able to have a more fulfilling race experience.
So far, in 2012, I've participated in 4 race events....January, February, and two in March. April is at the end of the month, with Girls on the Run. And that will be fun, fun, fun!
(So I skipped the running group this morning to go to yoga class with my mama, and that makes it 4 weeks in a row that I haven't gone running with them....maybe 5 weeks? I'll still give it another 2 tries, but I've also found out more information about a Monday night group that I'll be trying out in a couple of days, provided that spring break doesn't turn me into so much of a sloth that I can't get dressed and out the door.)
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