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the day after

We spent the day painting the bedroom. And sitting on the couch. And eating chex mix, minus the onion powder, plus a lot of worcestershire sauce. And poor sweet hubby bought three different blu-ray players, returning the first two for two different reasons....the first may not have worked correctly, while I may have complained that the second one was too complicated for me to figure out how to watch tv. Even though I tried to take back my tantrum, it was too late. Sweet hubby had already made up his mind to return it and find something less advanced. I'm pretty sure he actually told the people at the store when he returned it that there was nothing wrong with it, that it was simply too advanced for his wife.

The bedroom is now peach. I love it. There will be pictures soon-ish -- once the room is straightened back out and curtains re-hung and things like that.

We are going to have to wait on a trip to Chile. We both REALLY want to go, but neither of us finds the idea of always being limited in what we are able to do each day (within reason, of course) by the seemingly unreachable goal of saving up $6000 to blow on a three week trip over the summer. The plane tickets alone are close to $3000, and then, of course, there are the gifts to buy, and expenses while traveling, and when it is all said and done, we always go over whatever budget we manage to amass before the traveling takes place.

So we are still working towards that goal, but trying to back off of the urgency of the trip -- we will be there when we are there, and until then, we are here. And we might as well enjoy being here, since it's where we are.

Sweet hubby gave me a pretty necklace for Christmas, and after I woke up on Christmas morning earlier than planned from a nightmare, sweet hubby kept me company while I chopped vegetables, got ready for the day, and so on. We were only 20 minutes late to breakfast, partly because I had forgotten that we would need to move the presents from our house to my mama's house....Fortunately, we remembered at the last minute and loaded them into the car.

Mama's gift made her cry. I was glad to know that she really, truly, liked her gift -- rather than a simple "smile, nod, thank you" she kept looking at it over and over. I got her an Erin Condren calendar/notebook with pictures of the family on it. I have one that lists my favorite things, and it makes me happy to use it. I had been waiting to give her that present since November -- it was worth the wait.

Our little house looks like a storm has blown through -- between sweet kitty getting her head stuck in the handle of a grocery bag (and thinking the bag was attacking her) and running wild through the house, Christmas baking, veggie prep, painting the bedroom, and Christmas gifts arriving, every single surface is covered. Putting the house back in order will be quite the task -- much better to leave it for tomorrow.

So it is the day after, and the day of was a great day. We ate cinnamon rolls, breakfast casserole, grits, ambrosia....We opened stockings and Santa presents, we passed out gifts from under the tree, we cooked and baked all the while, and we made it (a few minutes late) to church. After church, we cooked and baked some more, cleaned up a little bit in the living room, then loaded up the cars and headed upstate to visit the rest of the family. We ate and ate and ate and ate, then played the pineapple game, then ate and ate and ate some more, then headed home late. Spending the holidays with my mama's family is always lots of fun, good company, and excellent food.

And all throughout the night before and the morning of, and even late at night after coming home, each time I picked up sweet kitty, I would hand her to sweet hubby, and tell him, "Merry Christmas! I got you this cat for Christmas!" and sweet hubby would smile and say "Thank you! I love it!". We celebrate sweet kitty's "birthday" (the day she arrived at our house, not the day she was born) on Christmas.

I hope that your Christmas was as lovely and family-and-friend filled as mine was.


  1. Thank you for the comment on my post! Great minds think alike as our 2012 resolution is to visit the beach once a week since we live so close. What ocean do you live near?

    Heather @ Find That Warm Fuzzy Feeling


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