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Life in the time of Corona, part 13

 I just deleted a personal pity party (you are welcome!) and all that's left is this list, punctuated by some poorly lit pictures (and some disappeared as I was trying to move them into their correct places).  

For a few days, I managed to put my phone down and not spend much time on social media.  Instead, I focused on advancing a variety of sewing projects. 

1. The flying geese quilt is finished.  I think of it as "flight behavior," but I haven't made so many quilts that I need to name them.  I *did* go back and zig-zag the opposite direction for each of the nine columns.  I am more confident that it will survive what will likely turn into frequent washing.  I was able to bind the quilt with a large amount of leftover bias tape from making baby blankets for "the baby" three years ago, combined with a little bit of the same fabrics used in the quilt (but not cut on the bias). This quilt contains a variety of scrap fabrics that are meaningful to me: bits of one of my grandfather's work shirts, the same fabric as the ring sling I carried "the baby" in so often, the remnants of my first pairs of self-made shorts, several of hubby's old shirts.  The only thing I bought with this quilt in mind was the thread for quilting it.  

2. The apron dresses for the girls are awaiting buttons. Here's hoping that the buttons I ordered will look right when they arrive!  Though I was a bit confused about some of the instruction in the ikatee milano pattern, I think I figured it out well enough.  Though most pieces are rectangles, I'm not sure I would call it a beginner pattern. 

3. A sweatshirt for me, using the grainline Linden pattern.  I'm not sure I measured myself correctly for choosing a size, and it seems a little off on the proportions for my body (too wide, sleeves too long, neck hole too big); when I try it again, I'll shorten the sleeves and perhaps either go down a size or two or attempt to raise the neckline a bit. Though perhaps misproportioned for me, it is definitely cozy. 

4. Another Jade tee for me, and flashback skinny tee turned turtleneck for "the baby."  This time in solid red, and just in time for Christmas. 

5. A bunny lovey for my niece.  As I attempted to sew the head and arms into the blanket piece, I remembered exactly why I had said I would never make another one when I first made a bunny lovey for her big sister. The bunny turned out very cute, though!

6. Masks for a Christmas gift.  She asked for them, or I wouldn't have thought of it!

Next up: finishing opening the many packages that have arrived; sorting by use (christmas, Chile, immediate use), more sewing (another sweatshirt material project, some running leggings, hoodie/jackets for the kids, among other projects), lots of cookie baking (and eating), more homeschool, and trying to keep the house somewhat clean. 

A Make 9 2020 reflection post should be coming up soon, hopefully accompanied by an attempt to set a course for 2021. 


  1. What great projects! I had never heard of a flying geese quilt before, but the pattern absolutely reminds me of flying geese - very cool!


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