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Life: Not as Planned

1. Sweet hubby is having a resurgence of back pain and anxiety, which has led him to be home more days than he normally would, and has him dangerously close to exhausting his allotted sick days well before the year ends.  For me, this means a huge increase in childcare and house-care duties during times those duties would normally be shared, along with more restricted "after hours" movement.  (Like, nope, can't go out with friends or to special events, because what if "the baby" cries and needs to be picked up out of the crib?)  He's started physical therapy with a new-to-him practice that is much more holistic in approach than where he went last year, and he's scheduled an appointment with a counselor.  His mom is waiting (and waiting) to have an MRI, which will determine the timing of her brain tumor removal surgery, which is *probably* one of the leading causes of sweet hubby's anxiety right now, combined with fear that his back will do debilitating things in public, again. (Could that be PTSD?  I am not a mental health professional.)

2. I was beginning to have second thoughts about whether I had made the right choice when I resigned from my teaching position.  I had lunch with my previous partner teacher, who is both a mentor and friend, and from the few, brief descriptions of a couple of the situations at school, she very quickly agreed that I had made the right choice to disassociate myself from the school. And then later in the evening, I heard some more stories that further confirmed the right fit of the choice to leave. 

3. I'm about to switch gears on the projects and the making -- I've been working on a scrap quilt, and practicing new-to-me techniques like foundation paper piecing and regular piecing and improv piecing and also quilt-as-you-go.  The point is to use up a whole bunch of the small scraps and random pieces of fabric that have made their way into my box of scraps.  I started the quilt-as-you-go with the leftover batting from re-padding some of the parts of the grey chairs, and I'm almost at the end of that small stack.  I can't start the loveseat reupholstery until sweet hubby's back and brain are in a better place, so it looks like I'll be delving back into the small projects world. 

4. I cleaned out a whole bunch of kids toys today, and boxed them up while my kids were all at school.  I'm hopeful that they won't notice them missing until it is too late.  While I haven't been consistent at the cleaning something out everyday, I'm hopeful that it will become more of a habit.


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