It was a productive week!
I managed to finish "the baby's" quiet book. (He's a little over age 2, but he's MY baby, so....)
There are imperfections on every page, and I'm fine with that. My main hope is that this little book will be used and loved, whether it helps him sit quietly in church or not. I wouldn't be sad if it got kept in good enough condition for him to eventually share it with his own kids, if he has kids in the far off future.
So, here are a few pictures....
The cover is made from this beautiful elephant print, which was, once upon a time, a pair of (too small for me) boxers. I think it makes an excellent looking book. The book closes with a magnetic snap -- which is, so far, the only part that has interested "the baby." That's ok -- he will have plenty of opportunities to explore and use this book.

We have a couple of chickens in our back yard. "The baby" loves to look for eggs, so he gets a chicken and some eggs in his book. The nest doubles as a pocket, and the eggs are velcro on the back, with little velcro spots they can attach to on the page opposite of the chicken.

Tic-Tac-Toe is a bit above "the baby's" level right now, but eventually he will know how to play as well as his sisters do. I like to include a "challenge" skill/activity that will let the book grow with the child.
Buttons are always a fun activity for little fingers to practice!
And so are mazes. I think it is hard to see the buttons through the grey mesh, but it is what I had on hand, and therefore it is what I used. It's meant to be more of a tactile experience than visual, anyway.
There is an opposite page, too, with letters for "the baby's" name and some snap on fish -- all of which can be stored in this drawstring bag, if he's too busy to snap them back in place before moving to a different activity page.
Finger puppets (in a pocket), made out of the same flannel as one of "the baby's" cloths that he uses for sleeping.
I managed to finish "the baby's" quiet book. (He's a little over age 2, but he's MY baby, so....)
There are imperfections on every page, and I'm fine with that. My main hope is that this little book will be used and loved, whether it helps him sit quietly in church or not. I wouldn't be sad if it got kept in good enough condition for him to eventually share it with his own kids, if he has kids in the far off future.
So, here are a few pictures....

We have a couple of chickens in our back yard. "The baby" loves to look for eggs, so he gets a chicken and some eggs in his book. The nest doubles as a pocket, and the eggs are velcro on the back, with little velcro spots they can attach to on the page opposite of the chicken.

Tic-Tac-Toe is a bit above "the baby's" level right now, but eventually he will know how to play as well as his sisters do. I like to include a "challenge" skill/activity that will let the book grow with the child.

I'm happy with how it turned out, overall....and I'm VERY pleased that this book was made entirely from items that were already in my stash. I spent ZERO dollars preparing for this project -- I had already spent the money preparing for a whole bunch of other projects, or I had collected the items through "useful craft material hoarding" in a way that was, in fact, useful.
As I'm starting my new routines and habits this year, I'm trying to be mindful of my tendency to purchase supplies for a project that I intend to complete only to abandon the project or set the project so far onto the back burner that it doesn't ever seem to get done....So I'm also trying to use up what I have, and use up some more of what I have, and then use up a little more that is in my stash. Most of the items on my make-nine list are things I already have the fabric and the patterns for -- I had grand intentions, but ran out of time (most recently ran out of time in May 2019, when the kids all got out of school and then I returned to work in August having the time back right now is a really big motivating factor in trying to get these things DONE.)
The coming week will be slow -- a field trip with the Peanut, and an overnight away with my Mama, during a week where Monday was "lost" to a day off. (Not lost, lost -- spent well with family and friends....but lost to crafting.) I'm so glad to have the flexibility to make my family priority number one again.
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