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Well, that didn't go as planned....

It's been a series of mishaps over here, and all of them are putting me into a funk.

The two littlest children in my family finished nursery school on Thursday the 16th.  I climbed in bed early that night, exhausted from all the fun and festivities of the last day and last swimming lessons.  Sweet hubby had gone out to see his former students perform in their school concert.  The phone rang -- unusual in these days of texting -- and my dad informed me that sweet hubby needed to go to the hospital in an ambulance for back spasms.

Therefore, I needed to go to the hospital.  My dad (the best!) came over to stay in my quiet house with my sleeping babies while I accompanied sweet hubby at the hospital.  The medicine they gave him did not ease his pain.  The x-rays did not show anything.  The CT scan did not show anything.  The extra medicine did not seem to provide any relief. Finally we left, anyway, and got home at 3:00 in the morning. On the "night" before I would have kids at home all day for their first day of summer vacation.

My kids do not sleep in. Also, Peanut is still in school for another couple of weeks. So up at 6 after 3 hours of sleep.  It was not pretty.  My parents are life savers. My dad drove Peanut to school.  My mom took Miss Middle on some errands.  My mom picked up Peanut from school and took her out for a special treat.  I took a nap.  My parents took us all out to supper.  Sweet hubby got out of bed twice all day, and very briefly.

On Saturday, my mom and my brother helped me get the kids out of the house for a while so that sweet hubby could rest. In the afternoon, my dad helped me take them to the pool for a swim.  Sweet hubby walked a couple laps around our house, but mostly stayed in bed.

Sunday morning, the older children sang in church. We left early and had lunch, then home for short naps, and then off to the end-of-season dance recital. Sweet hubby had to miss both. Again, thank goodness for my parents, who pitch in and help out so much. My dad stayed at the house after bedtime so I could grocery shop in peace.

Monday....finally, new laundry machines day! The dryer has been broken for a full 9 days now, and the expected 5 day delivery is actually 8 days. And also -- stay at home all day because the delivery window is 8am-8pm.  Sweet hubby managed to disconnect the old washer/dryer and I cleaned out the laundry room (while also wrangling the two small children who are home all summer now).  The machine arrived while we were eating lunch.  Sweet hubby got everything hooked up. I started to wash a load -- not totally happy about some of the features of the new machine.  Put them in the dryer....And the machine makes the LOUDEST noise I have ever heard.  Constant, LOUD, not-normal noise. 

It will have to be replaced.


I had really been hoping to dry MANY loads of laundry in a new dryer.  Accumulating dirty things to wash and dry in a dryer rather than on a clothesline. 

And now.  The store will not simply replace the machine, though it is clearly defective. Sweet hubby has spent two days now repeating the saga over and over again to countless different store and washer/dryer brand representatives.


The combination of what are now 11 days with having to super-plan laundry (will I have enough space on the tiny clothesline? will it rain? will I be able to iron this? will we all have enough clean underwear? how long can the sheets stay dirty before we run out of sheets when the girls wet the bed? will this be out long enough to dry before bedtime? etc.) and having sweet hubby sleeping/lying down in the dark all day every day in my project room is getting on my nerves.  He's sweet.  I love him.  I am accustomed to having my own space to get my own things done on my own time schedule.  I currently do not have my own space and cannot accomplish things on my own time schedule.  Sweet hubby and I were making good progress on the yellow-to-grey-chair conversion.  There will be no progress until he is totally better and back to work.

 I feel very grumpy about it.

He WILL eventually return to work (maybe tomorrow? maybe not?).  The washer/dryer WILL eventually get replaced (and I better not have to pay extra for it!).  The ENDLESS on-boarding forms/meetings for teaching next school year will eventually have to end (right?  please say they will end soon).  We will eventually finish that chair. I will eventually get to spend some of my time finishing the projects I've started.

I will eventually feel less grumpy about all of this.


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