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late August, 2022

 The kids are back at school, and I'm finally finding time to tackle long-listed items on the to-do list and also to avoid some of them, still.  

The house is clean (not just tidied, actually clean!) and the laundry is ready to put in the drawers and there is a loaf of zucchini bread cooling for later. 

There has not been a lot of "making" this summer.  In fact, there has been almost zero.  As soon as the kids started summer vacation, the project room became a dumping grounds for all of the things I couldn't/wouldn't take care of with the kids around or because I was too exhausted from caring for the kids all day. 

The girls each took a turn going to sleep away summer camp.  They LOVED it; they are each begging to return for a longer session next summer. (Miss Middle will get her wish; Peanut will have to wait one more summer so that I'll have the convenience of not giving up 8 weeks of summer to having one child at camp! Both will attend a 3 week session at the same time. That's the plan, at least.)

We took a family trip to Chile to visit my father in law/the kids' grandfather, along with uncles and aunts and cousins and other family members. It was an overdue trip -- it had been 6 years since we had last visited (hubby had been back many times, but not me and the kids).  We saw lots of family, ate lots of bread and other good food, and did our best not to be cold all the time. 

The family took several trips to the beach.  I spent a couple of days with friends in June.  We survived husband's absence while he went to Ecuador for two weeks. I was stung by a jellyfish, which seemed to be healing and then flared up with a huge, itchy, allergic skin reaction requiring medical attention. And then, we all caught covid from my husband during family beach week.  

Covid took us right up to meet-the-teacher day at the kids' school.  It was not how I planned to get ready for back-to-school....but the kids are in school now, they have all the uniforms and supplies they need, and life doesn't ever seem to slow down. 


  1. That sounds like quite a summer. Sorry about the way it wound down, with covid. The photo is too cute. The Chile trip sounds amazing. How great that the kids enjoyed summer camp so much. That is a long time to be away. It must be a wonderful camp. I envy you your clean house and hope that you can tackle your projects now that the kids are in school.


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