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Life in the time of Corona, part 6

Well, the sewing/creating inspiration has been low and slow.  After the last good bit of making, I retreated into a "the mess is overwhelming so I won't do anything at all" sort of funk....and I'm only barely beginning to try to get myself out of it.

I *did* make some bathing suit bottoms, hacking the Avery leggings pattern.  They are wonderful to wear -- a little longer than the "boy short" bathing suit bottoms I have recently bought from Target, and very comfortable.  They require less of two things I don't love -- less sunscreen and less shaving. They match the swim shirt I made, using the Jade pattern.  I also made two bathing suit tops, beginning with the Hyacinth free bralette by OhhhLulu, and a pair of traditionally shaped bathing suit bottoms using the Stevie Knickers pattern.  Combined with a top or two from Old Navy and a swim shirt from Lands End, I have quite the mix-and-match set of bathing suits to meet all my different swimming/beach preferences.

Somewhere along the way, we spur of the moment planned a beach photo session with our favorite family photographer.  I managed to stitch up a jon-jon for "the baby" out of an old shirt of sweet hubby's, and cut out the pieces for a pair of coordinating geranium dresses for the girls.  The dresses were assembled at the beach house in the week leading up to the photo shoot (which got rescheduled, in the end, after the effort to make sure I finished the dresses in time....)

Then I ordered more fabric ( it an addiction?  a terrible use of free time to search different sites for fabric?  an alternate reality where I think I will actually keep up with using everything I purchase?).  Some of it coordinated nicely with previous purchases, and was cut up and made into a pair of kitty-cat dresses for the girls.  "The baby" got a new kitty-cat t-shirt.  A couple of ruffle-tees and another jon-jon were started.  And then, we left for the beach house again.  Our scheduled "long week" (a week and two weekends) turned into almost two full weeks away, and almost no motivation to sew.  I've only *just* managed to convince myself to pull the in-progress pieces back out from being packed up for travel; I've pinned them, and at some point either this afternoon or evening, I intend to sit down at the sewing machine and get a little more done....The only thing left on the ruffle tees is to attach the ruffle.  The jon jon does have a few more steps left to complete, but overall shouldn't sit there waiting and waiting, either....or it will suddenly no longer be summer weather, and "the baby" will have grown out of it, and that would truly be a shame. I'm hopeful that some small victories in the project room will motivate me to begin some of the many other projects waiting in lists and stacks of fabric.

In non-sewing endeavors, I've been trying to get my yard back under control.  Even though it's way too hot for yard work, while the kids play in our backyard, I've been trying to pull weeds and vines and keep the space in as good condition as I can for when we are back in town full time in the fall.  Except I'm secretly (ok, not so secretly) hoping that in the fall, and also for a few more really large chunks of time this summer, that we'll be at the beach again.  My parents and husband agree that our children will stay home with me in the fall, as school "starts back" in whatever form that takes this year.  I'm still waiting for information from the girls' school about whether their special immersion program will be available in virtual format or not; if not, I will be homeschooling them using whatever I (we? mostly I) decide are the best schedule and materials.  It is daunting to research, but I am comforted by some friends who either were homeschooled or are homeschooling their children.  The real question is becoming, "will sweet hubby go back to school in the fall?"  Because as a music teacher, he, under normal circumstances, sees every single child in the school (700+ students) each week.  That is WAY TOO MANY for me to feel comfortable sending him into a school building, given the current spread of Covid-19 in our region.  I think the uncertainty of the fall/school situation is leading to some of my inability/lack of desire to get projects going in the sewing room or to get the cleaning/sorting/putting away going everywhere in the house.


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