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Getting it done, part 28: tees for "the baby"

Well, I guess I found some more projects that aren't the love seat. 

Funny how new projects creep their way into the plans when you take a trip to the fabric store for one color thread for that little monogram on the new dresses for family pictures and end up walking through the whole entire store for more than an hour.  I'm sure it only happens to me, right?

I knew I wanted to monogram the girls' dresses for our upcoming family pictures, and I knew I wanted to use mint-green for the monograms....and then all of a sudden, the blue thread just looked better....So I bought the blue.  Too bad for my wallet that the blue is almost the same as a blue I already had at home.

Also....I'd been struggling with what outfit I want "the baby" to wear for the family clothes?  Play clothes?  The girls' dresses are sort of in the "fancy play-clothes" category -- they will be put in drawers, not hung up (church/special occasion clothes hang up in our house; drawers are for every-day/any-day clothes).  So I took a stroll through the knits aisle.  Do you know what my local big-box fabric store is lacking?  Striped knits.  I was looking for a white-and-blue or white-and-mustard or white-and-light-grey....but there were no stripes to be found.  Unfortunately (fortunately?) I found a light grey-with-yellow-lions print that will be perfect for my 2 year old -- incorporates some of the same colors as the girls' dresses, helps me practice sewing more with knits....

So I bought the lions.  And also the animals-on-wheels that was in the clearance section.  Because I'm a sucker. (Actually, because I thought it might be a sort of quick sew, and I like instant gratification.  I also think that the second time I make something, it turns out better than the first time....probably why so many people think it is smart to make a muslin.)  Also, I already bought but had not used the Made-by-Rae flashback Tee pattern, so this was a good excuse. 

And I thought the lions might be pretty cute under a pair of dark denim overalls.  I sure do love a little boy in overalls!

It was pretty easy....other than the part where my sewing machine wants to eat all of the beginnings of stitching with knit.  Somehow the machine sucks the fabric down into the footplate, where the stitches pile up into a giant knot that anchors the fabric down where it cannot advance....and is a pain and a half to unpick....towards the end of the process, I realized that if I put a couple of pins very close together at the very beginning of the seam I'm about to sew, it helps lift up the fabric and keep it from getting caught.  I am hopeful that I will remember that trick the next time I sew with knits. 

It might be a knit-sewing spree -- I'm exploring the possibility of turning a whole lot of knit scraps (from now and also from MANY years ago) into panties and unders for the kids, and maybe also a pair or two for myself....That would definitely keep me from having to start the love seat for a while....

The reality is, the love seat is going to have to wait a little bit longer.  Sweet hubby is having panic attacks and his anxiety, about his back, makes it a poor choice to ask him to help me move the love seat at this time.  I want to see the love seat recovered, but I don't want to break my life-teammate emotionally or physically. 

In addition to considering making unders and panties....I've got my eye on my "make-nine" isla dress.  I'm not sure it will be a dress.  It might turn into a Jade tee. I'm trying to figure out how often I will actually wear a very red dress with white birds on it in comparison to how often I would actually wear a very red shirt with white birds on it.  I think the shirt is winning....I'm usually a little more subtle in my dress choices.  It won't be an isla peplum -- I also think I need fewer clothes that make me look pregnant, since I'm not, and not planning to be.


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