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pink things....

Life is getting pinker and pinker....

As we approach the arrival of baby girl number 2 in July!

So far things have been going well with pregnancy number 2, and baby is growing as expected, although I have my suspicions that just like baby number 1, this one will be on the smaller side of average.

This school year has been such a different experience compared to the previous five years, and in so many incredibly good ways, too. I have definitely found a more supportive work environment that is much more family friendly than my previous school.  The actual responsibilities of my position are manageable and in general, I am able to accomplish them during the time I am scheduled to be at work.  The number of students I interact with on a daily basis is manageable, and I'm looking forward to continuing to teach many of the same students over the next few years.  The parental support is actually helpful, with most parents following through with their offers for assistance and placing responsibility on their students. And the support of the other teachers and administration is amazing, too.  The few times I've needed assistance, either with situations with students or situations with my health or that of my family, the other teachers and administrators have willingly offered assistance, even covering classes and other duties.  It is such a relief to work in a place that recognizes that sometimes children get sick, and doctors appointments have to happen during the workday, and that there are two sides to every story.

Though I'm not thrilled to consider leaving another baby in the day care nursery when she is three months old, if I have to be working somewhere (and I do), I am glad that somewhere can be a place as accommodating, encouraging, and pleasant as where I am now.  And when I think about how I wasn't even planning to look for a new job last spring....I am so very, very thankful that God placed the right hints and people and events in my path at the exact right times.

So baby number 2 has acquired a few pink things of her own, that she will not share with her big sister.  My favorite is probably the little bitty shirt that says "wee sister", bought in Edinburgh on my first trip away from baby 1 over spring break.  Wee sister kept me company on the plane rides and many long afternoon walks, and big sister read books with me by phone each evening before her bedtime.  It was the perfect time for a vacation -- big sister stayed home with daddy while I met up with a good friend and visited some other family friends and explored some places that were new to me and revisited some old favorites and attended my former roommate's wedding....and all of it made sweeter knowing that in the next 12 months or so after new baby is born, it will be very difficult for me to travel by myself.


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