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Showing posts from May, 2012

6 (school) days until summer!

And O.M.G. are the natives restless. So are the parents. I arrived at school this morning, early, because I had agreed to cover someone else's morning duty, to find a lovely email from a parent to an administrator, asking to meet with us about "events in the classroom." No mention of what said "events" were. The administrator had responded to the email before I had a chance to see it, stating he was too busy in the next couple of days, but would be happy to meet after that. I freaked out. This particular parent always thinks she is right. (I'm sure she really is always right. The problem is that I always happen to be right, as well.) This particular parent likes to make a big deal about everything. This particular parent does not have a history of letting go of issues that have already been settled. After I freaked out, the bell rang, and I realized I was already late for covering the other teacher's morning duty. I walked down the hal

5/12 of the way to meeting my goal!

Well, May is busy. The end of the school year is kicking my behind, just like I knew it would, and I am falling further and further behind in my running....just like every year. Saturday was the race of the month -- the Get in the Pink 10K. It was SOOOO much better than the 10K I participated in during the month of March. This one started on time! It started early in the morning, rather than in the hot sun! (7:15 was a little tough, but the weather was so much better for running!) It didn't have so many people I thought I would trip over anyone! Overall, it was a MUCH better race experience. My time was much more along the lines of what I expect of myself -- I finished in 58:16, so appropriately under but close to the 60 minutes or less that I was hoping for. The course was not too hilly -- although it did have a couple of big hills. One huge downhill, one huge uphill -- kind of like the failure of a bridge run in March. One of the best parts? There was also

frustrating day

Before an hour of school had passed, one of the assistant principals had come in to my classroom to follow up on a situation that started Friday afternoon with a student and the students' parent. He chose to follow up in English in my classroom while I was teaching. *** Another teacher on my hallway is pregnant. I am not. She announced it today. I was not prepared. I do think I managed to say congratulations, and not cry. That is a small victory. And there were others in the room to ask the usual questions about due dates, and such. *** My (afternoon) students are dishonest and disrespectful. I'm over it. 19 days left with this bunch. My team-teacher and I are counting down together. *** The principal of my school played a video that had been put together for a board meeting during lunch for the students, while we teachers ate outside for our last duty-free lunch of the year. She said she was just showing the student portions of the video.

i am...

praying for sweet hubby as he completes an's almost (almost almost almost) the end of his semester and he's a little nervous about passing this class. He's in the exam RIGHT NOW if you want to offer a prayer, or if you aren't reading this on Tuesday evening, pray for his professor to be merciful and kind when grading. eating peanut butter m&ms. yum. excited about the new camera and tripod that are in my classroom, thanks to donors choose! hoping we can save enough spending money for Chile, since sweet hubby didn't get as many hours at work as he was hoping for this month. counting down -- 23 more days of school before summer, and 3 of them half days! anticipating lots and lots of sweat as i attempt 7 miles running later's only about 90 degrees outside. skipping a church dinner. Spring is too busy to keep up with everything. a little overwhelmed by the crazy school scheduling stuff going on -- so many tests! so many