Today is my sister's birthday.
She is beautiful, smart, skinny, kind, thoughtful, and in general, a pretty cool girl.
She is bringing broaches back.
She will be a Ph.D. soon.
She runs with her best friend, who is losing weight to fit back into the wedding dress she didn't wear several years ago, when she called off her first engagement. (The friend, not my sister.)
She makes everything look fancy, all the time.
She uses her free time to bake real things, like cinnamon doughnut bread pudding with custard sauce. And honey angel biscuits. Yum.
She has impeccable fashion taste. I'm usually jealous. Even when I manage to buy the same things, because somehow they look better on her.
She has a sweet kitty who talks to her in cat chirps.
She sews neat things, like pouches to keep her vintage white gloves in. And then she wears the gloves to fancy dinners, just for fun.
She kicks but at scrabble and bananagrams.
She is a champion in the pineapple game.
She can waterski like no one's business.
She's gorgeous, and celebrating her 27th, today.
Happy birthday, little sister!
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